Remember these 7 things as we go into 2023

A must read...

Hi Friends,

It is no doubt a time to prepare and look forward to a productive and fulfilling year.

As we go into the new year, I want you to remember 7 things that can truly help you make a difference this year.

  1. Focus on your own journey: With the age of social media, it's so easy to get carried away by what others are doing that you take your eyes off what is happening in your own life. It is important to remember that everyone has their own unique calling and unique set of goals. Focus on yours.

2. Comparison kills creativity: The more you spend time comparing yourself to others, the more you lose creativity. To stay in touch with your own creativity, you need to leave the comparison trap.

3. Identify, cultivate, and celebrate your own uniqueness: Here's a reminder for you that you are unique and you need to identify, cultivate, and celebrate your own uniqueness. There is no one that can do what you do like you do.

4. Don't cut corners: Go through the path of excellence and avoid cutting corners. Your integrity matters, take it seriously.

5. True validation only comes from God: If God has already validated you, you do not need the validation of others. True validation only comes from God and that comes from the fulfillment of your purpose.

6. Let your results do the talking: People are interested in results and not just talks. People want to see that you can do what you say you can do through the results that you produce.

7. You have attained maturity when you can truly celebrate others: The more successful people you have in your community, the more successful you are. Celebrate others, be happy for others.

Which of these 7 things resonates with you?

I would like to hear back from you.

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