Platform Circle: My Secret to Achieving Maximum Productivity

Let me show you how.

Hi Friends,

Have you ever heard of the phrase: “Don’t manage your life. Master it”?

This simply means that you should find effective and efficient ways to handle the affairs of your life.

My new product, Platform Circle, helps you to do just that. Platform Circle helps you achieve maximum productivity through our unique features that solve your real needs as a professional or an entrepreneur.

Platform Circle is a life management tool combining productivity, personal growth, and collaboration in one dashboard.

“It is not enough to be busy… The question is: what are we busy about?”

Henry David Thoreau.

Here is a quick breakdown of how I achieve maximum productivity with Platform Circle:

  • I set SMART 90-day goals

  • I invite my accountability partners and mentors to keep me on track with my goals.

  • I stay connected to my support circle and keep them up to date about key things I am working on.

  • I don’t just create projects, I assign the right people in my circle to work on the projects.

  • I stay focused and integrate my other favorite tools with Platform Circle, such as Zoom, Stripe, and Calendly.

Are you ready to achieve maximum productivity? Join Platform Circle today. We are in beta testing, and you can enjoy a 3-month free trial using the code: FREECIRCLE; sign up at