New Post

Hi Friends,

Welcome to the second month of the year. I hope you are on the path to crushing those goals and staying committed to them. If you are still trying to find your footing when it comes to achieving your goals, then I have a question for you today: are you bold enough to be and stay committed?

One of the things that will set you apart in business or even as a professional is being committed.  Commitment is staying on your chosen path, even when you don't feel like it or when there is resistance.

Sometimes, to see the change we require, we need to keep staying on our chosen paths. However, commitment is not about staying on the wrong path after we have confirmation that the path is no longer for us. That isn't commitment, but that is chasing a dead end.

Some of us might have come across people with bright ideas who suddenly stopped working on those ideas because they weren't committed. Commitment can sometimes seem boring but are you willing to go where you are going even if no one is cheering you on or watching you?

Here are some questions to ask yourself this month:

Am I bold enough to be and stay committed?

Am I consistently making commitments and keeping them?

Am I experiencing joy by making commitments and keeping them?

How will you show up this month?

I would love to hear from you. Send a response to this email and let's discuss.