Happy New Year!

Welcome to 2023

Hello and Happy New New Year from me!

I’m excited to welcome you into this new year and I hope you have a truly amazing year.

It’s that time when most people get started on their plans and goals for the year and I would like to remind us of 5 important things you can do that would make a huge difference with your goals this year.

If you truly want to experience a transformative 2023, here are 5 things you should do:

  • Regardless of who you are and what you do - deliver on time. If you have the habit of not delivering on time, then people can’t trust you with their work or business. When you deliver on time, you make it easy for people to work with you.

  • Keep your word: If people can’t trust what you say then what you say does not really matter.

  • Improve your people skills. Learning the art of relating with people and building better relationships can change the game of your business or career. Your people skills can be determining factor when it comes to people deciding whether or not to work with you.

  • Follow up with people (with no agenda). Check on people and find out how they are doing with no hidden agenda. 

  • Make time to build relationships. Every relationship in your life is an investment and requires an investment to grow.

Do these 5 things to experience a transformative 2023.

In other news, my latest book is out!

Your Purpose is Calling can be ordered from Amazon or you can get a free chapter by clicking this link below: 

Also, this year, I will be sharing more thoughts and ideas around purpose and entrepreneurship on my social media, please follow me on Twitter @Rotimikehinde to stay up to date.