What Does Creative Leadership Look Like in 2023?

What Does Creative Leadership Look Like in 2023?

Hi Friends,

Creative leaders are in demand in today’s workplace. Leadership is no longer about leading people towards a common goal, but rather about creatively leading people towards a common goal to bring about transformation.

Businesses are longer concerned about Leadership, but rather they are concerned about Creative Leadership. How are you able to think globally, strategically, and towards a large impact? Do you possess social awareness skills and holistic connectedness?

Creative Leaders exhibit mindful self-awareness, are connected to what is happening in the here and now, demonstrate compassion for others, and exude a humble, open attitude.

They are able to translate an appealing market opportunity into an enterprise concept that is innovative against incumbent business models. They can integrate large societal impact with attractive economic returns.

They are capable of designing creative processes that enable learning and improvement, resulting in an accelerating rate of improvement, working toward a tipping point where change becomes unstoppable.

Here are three tips on how to become a creative leader:

  • Don’t neglect your team’s creativity: Encourage creativity among your team members. Create enough room for them to be creative.

  • Create room for idea sharing: Encourage idea sharing in meetings and even beyond the meeting room.

  • Hone your creativity skills: Find ways to harness your creative skills regularly.

Are you a creative leader?

Join me on Twitter @Rotimikehinde as we explore creativity, leadership, and purpose.